Hello Guys,
There have been some strange events lately. I just got off the phone with my ex-sponsor and he told me that I might be risking some lawsuit. Well, He and ups have lied to me before, so obviously I don't believe him any more. However, I'll have few people check this blog. There is one thing though. It's called
SLAPP. It means that ANY company can sue any individual if they speak against the company.
What is a S.L.A.P.P:
A SLAPP suit is typically a lawsuit by a large company to silence individuals or small groups that protest actions by a company. Their main strategy is to intimidate the opposition by spending lots of money on teams of lawyers.
I understand that I can write about ANY thing and can get SLAPP. Company I am writing about obviously won't like my blog. They don't even need a flaw in my writing to sue me. Or do they? Whatever business model they have, they got more money than me :) Call it old might is right, but that's how law works.
Should I be removing my posts? I know many people have linked me and I feel it's my responsibility to ask you. I have already lost enough time and money in Quixtar. I don't want to anymore. As a mater of fact, I'm starting my own MLM company...ok just kidding, just my own business. I'll change the URL soon, after few more days. I'll post the new address here before I transfer.
However, what I am going to do is write a letter to my representative in senate explaining what I think about Quixtar business. It will include the name and address of people I associated while working in the q-business. I have to of course! I'll let the representative decide and I'll be cool whatever action they take. Or don't take :) There is no SLAPP against it right?
This whole bloging experience gave me an idea. Internet is a very good way to do a business. Let's see how the experiment goes.
Also, I'll continue to aid negative friends I've made. Safe here as well :) As always, you are encouraged to comment. Comment like there is no tomorrow :D
(edited since last commented)