You're in Quixtar. Or some one told you about it. You look it up. Now you are confused. Some fears are confirmed, but your dreams are still there. What to do?
True, job sucks majority of your time. And for majority it sucks majority of the time. Owning a business is a pretty good idea, although intimidating. You may spend more time in it with less rewards.
Asking questions is a smart move. If you don't ask, you won't learn. I won't do MLM, but I don't think it's evil. Let me "recommend" you some people that may help.
Ty Tribble
He was a 4000 PV Pin in Quixtar, then passport, then Univera. He's a work from home dad, and knows a thing or two about MLM.
I find him ever helpful, despite knowing I'm not a prospect :)
I'd recommend him 100%.
He's the most famous IBO on the net. I don't know if he's indeed an IBO, or human for that matter. But he does a good job covering news about Quixtar. I don't always agree with him, but his claims are not "100000s of platinums and 1000s of diamonds are breaking every year!!!!" either.
Consider him an "online crossline". You may compare "system" notes with him. Crosslining is not bad ;)
Beth Dornan
She doesn't do MLM as far as I know. She's a Quixtar Employee. Her blog insidequixtar is the best Quixtar resource. She engages in conversations and a pretty reliable source, I'd say.