Alticor helps Katrina Victims
Quixtar and Beyond: Alticor response will launch today an online sku for IBOs, customers and employees to contribute to the American Red Cross and Canadian Red Cross. Donations are being taken in $10 and $25 increments. Alticor will match U.S. donations dollar for dollar up to a total of $250,000.Awsome! Doesn't matter if FEDs are reluctant to help people of New Orleans. Good people are. Quixtar sucks blog 'lauds' , 'endorses' and all that to Alticor for doing that.
The Alticor Relief Team is busy planning a Thanksgiving trip to the area. The team was already scheduled to help rebuild in Indiana over the Labor day weekend - tornado damage.
Beyond that I know there are plans being formulated in tandem with relief agencies to get able bodied help there earlier and to donate products that would be needed, such as water, toothpaste, hygiene kits and more. As soon as I have concrete details I will share them.
Alticor gains much more points than wal-mart, who have armed guards protecting their stores so starving people can not that will be spoiled any way.
See, do good deeds, people will say good things about you. Do bad things, people will say bad things about you. That's how the world works.

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